Tellfy > Help > Communities > Mute community

Mute community

You can mute all communications in a community. In case of muting a community, all notifications of private groups and chats you have in that community will be silenced.

To mute notifications from a community, follow these steps:

  • Entra dentro de la comunidad que quieras silenciar. Una vez dentro, accede al menú para ir a la opción de Ver Comunidad.
  • Marca la opción de Silenciar comunidad
  • Enter the community you want to silence. Once inside, access the menu to go to the View Community option.
  • Mark the Mute Community option

When you mute the community, you will see a silence icon about this community on the list screen of your communities.

The muting action of a community is permanent. To receive notifications from this community again, go back to the view community screen and uncheck the mute box.

Silenciar comunidad