Complaint channel for companies

Provide your team with a completely secure channel for reporting wrongdoing.

Tellfy's complaint channel

The internal reporting channel is an alert system used to identify and combat wrongdoing within an organization and promote an ethical culture within it. Informants can convey information through a completely internal and secure system.

In the complaint channel, reports can be made through the internal information systems:

Is my organization required to have a complaint channel?

According to the law, the complaint channel is mandatory for organizations that meet one of these requirements:

Tellfy's complaint channel, your best ally

Design and operation of the form

Customized company design and branding

Customized or company-specific reporting form

Optional, consult

Incorporation of company documents and policies (up to 25 documents)

Anonymous reports

Confidential reports

Voice message reports

Case management

Sending communications by channel administrators

Setting case statuses

Whistleblower's access to the case through a username and password

Archiving and closing of cases

Case control and analytics

Case dashboard by status

Complaints registration

Basic case analytics


Case alerts

Email alerts for new cases

Alerts for deadlines to administrators

Traceability and security

Encryption of information in transit and at rest

Read confirmation of communications by the complainant

Verified download of case content

Company administrators

Unlimited administrators

Manual case assignment to managers

Automatic case routing to different managers based on criteria

Optional, consult

Content delivery






Integration with the organization’s corporate systems

Integration with the company’s information systems

Optional, consult

Integration with SAML / Active Directory

Optional, consult