Communication platform for groups

Communicate with your group privately and securely

Tellfy is the Instant Communication App to communicate with your group privately and securely. Create your Community and share it with your users. Create one-way communication groups, participation groups or service channels with your group.

Usage scenarios

School communication

Preschool communication

Communication of the old's home

Mentoring communication

Communication in sports clubs

School communication

Communication in sports clubs

Communication of the old's home

Mentoring communication

Preschool communication

These centers are already using Tellfy

And they enjoy all the advantages that provide them with such a versatile platform in their daily communications.

Escenarios de uso

Estos son algunos de los colectivos con los que te podrás comunicar con Tellfy:

Comunicación en educación

Comunicación en Clubes deportivos

Comunicación de las residencias

Comunicación Mentoría