Tellfy > June 2018 update

June 2018 update


We inform you of the news of the new update of Tellfy that we have just published in this month of June 2018, for Android and iOS platforms.


  • Creation of communities from the app. Now you can create your own community for your group or interest group directly from the application. When you download the application you will see in the menu the option Create community. By creating a community you will be its owner and you can create the groups to communicate with your users.
  • User support groups. We have created a new type of group, the User Support Group, which allows users in your community to contact you individually through this group. As an administrator, you can see the list of users who have contacted you and you can answer each one personally. Use this group for your users to ask you questions, send incidents, make orders or any topic on which you want them to communicate with you. Ah! and you can create the user groups that you want within your community, of course.
  • Change group type. Now you can change the type of communication group to discussion and vice versa. And what is this worth? Well it is very useful. For example, you can create a discussion group for an event where all users can send content, messages, photos, etc. When the event ends, change the type of group to a communication one so that only administrators can send content.
  • Resend content. Now you can select any content (except a survey) and forward it to other groups or users. Very useful to send the same content or communication to several groups at once.
  • Share images and documents from iOS with Tellfy. Now when you share an image or document with your iPhone from any other application, you can send it to Tellfy. Simply select Tellfy in the application list and then mark the groups or chats where you want to send the image.
  • Send videos and audios (Beta). Now you can send videos and audios to your groups, in mp4 and mp3 format, although it is a functionality that we have in beta.

Now summer and heat arrive, but we will continue working to incorporate new and useful functions in the application. !See you soon!

The Tellfy team